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What are biomasses?

Biomass” means any organic material of biological origin. Usually they are scraps of agricultural activities that are reprocessed to extract fuels or directly electricity and thermal energy (such us wood, pellets, wood chips, olive pomace, peanuts, chips, etc.). In fact, in the case in which are produced organic fuels we speak of biofuel, for the generation of electricity and thermal energy we speak of biopower, and for the realization of chemical products from biomasses we speak of bioproducts.

Many biomasses, through a specific procedure can be also transformed in biogas, a further product used for the production of electricity or directly as a fuel.

The biomass boilers are special boilers which are fed with these types of fuels and are subject to EU Incentives. But what are the main advantages of using a biomass boiler?

1.       The biomasses not pollute: the particularity of biomasses is that the amount of carbon dioxite emitted is equal to that which has been absorbed by the plant during its growth that, burning, is returned to the surrounding environment. The more you use biomasses and the less you depend on traditional energy sources and non-renewable resource such as oil, gas and coal. It’s for this reason that biomasses are clean energy sources, that is not affecting natural resources and do not aggravate the situation and the wellness of future generations because they never wear out.

2.       Biomass save you: if you use a biomass boiler you can save 20-50% in costs of supply compared to traditional fuels, natural gas, diesel and gas. In addition, State Incentives are allocated and are very important for farms that decides to realize a plant.

3.       The biomasses boilers are easy to use: all the modern biomass systems provide that the boiler is equipped with innovative systems for automatic extractions of asg, automatic loading of pellets, adjusting the power of the plant through PLC control panel and automatic cleaning of internal exchangers.


What kind of woody biomass exist?

Twigs and ecological wood

They are becoming increasingly important in view of biomass fuels because they provide greater attention to environmental protection. In fact, the ecological wood is the one that must be derived from plants already died, without cutting down trees or from other dried biomass, twigs and scraps of agricultural processing and processed in an environmentally friendly way without additional costs of transportation.



The pellet is a fuel that comes from the sawdust that is compressed in the form of cylinders a few centimeters long. Thanks to lignin this procedure allows to obtain a fuel with high yield and with high calorific value. In fact, the pellet unlike wood, with equal volume has a double calorific value.



It’s extracted from the stems of plants, conifers, deciduous. Once cut and dried or left to mature, it is processed differently depending on the uses: decomposed into fibers to give rise to the paper; used as pure fuel; carved, etc.



Olive pomace

The olive pomace is a by-product of extraction of olive oil. It’s composed of the skins, fragments of the core and residual pulp. It’s both employed to extract the further edible oil, to be distributed on the land as a fertilizer and as fuel for heating.



The hazelnuts is the core of olives and it’s much used for its calorific value as a fuel for heating plants and hot air generators or for hot water production plants. The market price is half the current price of pellets.


Wood Chips

The wood chips is the wood that is reduced to flakes of variable size by means of an instrument called chippers. There are real crops of trees intended for the production of wood chips which, however, unlike the other biomasses, requires the use of suitable and sophisticated boilers.


Wood Chippings

The wood chipping is a residue wich is derived from the processing of the wood that has a curl shape or helical whether derives from the uninterrupted processing of the wood, otherwise it assumes a splinter shape.

Visi tour section dedicated to biomass plants brand GOME.

  • Guide to biomasses: what are and why are convenient
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