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GOME dryers for tobacco can be equipped inside them with containers or with frames.
Dryers brand GOME for tobacco curing can be equipped or with containers (with pins, combs or custom) or with frames.
The functionality of frames is that they allow to let it breathe the air more evenly between the leaves of tobacco which, attached to these pins, are able to remove more regularly the quantity of water they contain. Hi Tech Resource produces frames in different size depending on the needs of drying of each single customer and according to the quantity to be dried. It’s also possible create custom frames.
Also looks all the machinery for the CAR OF TOBACCO.
Specifiche tecniche
Telaino GOME Hi Tech Resource
Capacità di tabacco
circa 40 kg
N° 80 spilli
Zincatura a caldo
Telaino Muller corto
circa 35 kg
Molla di fermo in acciaio temprato
Telaino Muller lungo
circa 45 kg
Technical specifications
MULLER short frames
MULLER long frames
Hi Tech Resource manufactures also customized containers for tobacco
The dryer ETN TABACCO by traditional fuel is of multiple type, useful for those who have to dry large quantities of tobacco.
The biomass dryer ETN BIO TABACCO is of multiple type, useful for those who have to dry large quantities of fruit and vegetables.
The dryer for tobacco STN TABACCO is powered conventional fuels and is carachterized by functioning with input of warm air into the cell from the bottom to the top.
The dryer for tobacco STN BIO TABACCO is powered woody biomass and it’s carachterized by functioning with input of warm air into the cell from the bottom to the top.
The wood biomass drying plant provides the necessary heat to the dryers by means of a thermal power plant with wood chip boiler to fulfill the cure of tobacco leaves.
The dryer ATSS TABACCO is a dryers with double flow of air powered traditional fuels ideal for the tobacco curing.
The dryer for tobacco ATSS BIO TABACCO is powered woody biomass and is characterized by the functioning with input hot air in the cell with double flow.
Dryers for tobacco GOME can be equipped with containers with pins and with combs.