Hi Tech re source supports its customers at all stages of the treatment of tobacco supplying machinery for the whole processing chain of tobacco with functioning both manual and automatic.
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The sorting belt for the dried tobacco is employed after the drying process of the tobacco.
The sorting belt for the dried tobacco is employed after the drying process of the tobacco. The tape is used for the selection of the product to be sent to processing centers. This important step is used to select the leaves, eliminating those burned or moldy and depriving them from their fragments and residues from the ground, before they end up in the same shipping containers (usually cardboards).
The sorting belt for the dried tobacco is composed of:
The tape loader for green tobacco is a valuable accessory for automating the upload of green tobacco in the containers.
The seedbed has been designed specifically for the cultivating of seedlings of tobacco.
Automatic press for the compression for the dry tobacco inside the cartons at 1 or 2 workstations.
Machinery for automation of the attachment of green tobacco inside the containers
Special pump on wheels for tempering the tobacco
It’s a special boiler with flue gas condensation for tobacco dryers.